Can you believe how unbelievably summery this Summer has been (excluding Cream o’ the Croft weekend obviously)!ย  If you haven’t been making the most of those dry, dusty trails for the past few weeks, you may live to regret it, because our second Muckin’ Good festival of 2018 is just around the corner.ย  And you know what that means…..


Yup, in a similar fashion to the Enduro World Series, it doesn’t seem to matter what time of year we stage our events, we always get some serious weather.ย  On Cream o’ the Croft weekend we got high winds during set-up, followed by rain on the Friday night and torrential rain throughout Saturday.ย  Apart from that it’s been dust and more Muckin’ dust!!ย  It’s to be annoyingly predictable and doesn’t seem to matter which event it is, where it is, or what time of year it’s happening, we’re either strapping marquees and gazebos down to avoid them blowing away in a gale, or the trails are so muddy the riders come back looking like they’ve been coated in Bournville.ย  Oh for some dusty trails.

It’s so ridiculous it’s actually become a running joke between the Muckmarshals.ย  We call it “Muckin’ Weather” and it all started at the very first Muckmedden event back in 2012……

We had an unfeasibly dry March, followed by a very dry start to April, and then with two weeks to go the heavens opened (and they didn’t close again until May).ย  It was later declared the wettest April on modern record.ย  Fast forward six years and we have noticed an alarming pattern of dry weather leading up to each event, which is usually replaced by either high winds or heavy rain a few days before race day.

But there’s one particular event that has bucked the trend every year we’ve held it…โ€ฆโ€ฆ Angus Cycling Festival.

We held the Angus Cycling Festival in early September for three years in a row and the sun was splitting the trees every single time!ย  Was it just plain luck, or has Forfar got some sport of weird micro-climate that nobody talks about?ย  I didn’t notice any ridiculous sun-tans while I was up there, or at least no more ridiculous than you might see in any other town with a Tanning Salon ๐Ÿ˜‰

So when we knew we wouldn’t be visiting Angus this year, there was only one weekend for The Eliminator MTB Festival.ย  Yup, The Eliminator has been moved to Forfar week this year, so the Crazy Crops Barley Slalom will be fully-ripened and golden and if this weather holds up there can surely be no more beautiful place to be in Scotland than on the banks of The Silvery Tay enjoying some amazing racing, some festival fun and/or a refreshment or two.

So the bets are on.ย  Will we get wall-to-wall sunshine as per the last three years, or will the weather gods rain on our parade?ย  Either way, we’re here for a good time, not a long time and nothing is going to stop The Eliminator 2018 from being yet another SHAMAZING weekend at Parkhill Farm.

We say it every time (surely you can trust us by now); whether you like downhill, enduro, drinking, eating, trail riding, singing, cross country, yoga, trail running, duathlon, hammocking, climbing, dancing, camping, bike trials, making stuff, buying stuff, trapezing, sliding, crafting, funky mountaineering or all of the above, this unbelievable family-friendly festival is not to be missed!

What now?

1) Go to the Eliminator home page by clicking the button below.

2) Watch the super-cool promo video to get your fancy tickled.

3) Use the info buttons if you’d like to know more about ticket options, race formats etc.

4) Book your tickets.


Who Cares About A Bit Of Rain? Let’s Do This!