When Ally Mackay, a Graphic Designer by trade, casually had some t-shirts andΒ jerseys made for himself and his riding buddiesΒ with a logo of their team motto “Ride It”,Β other riders started asking if they were for sale.Β  Ride It Clothing was born……

Ride It is no stranger to Muckmedden events, having started out as a bunch of amateur riders entering the races under the ‘Team Ride It’ moniker, a phrase used to egg each other on when the going gets rough!Β  The crunch came when I had a big β€˜off’ and broke myself riding. Β I was off work for months which gave me a lot of time on my hands and I used it to think about the possibility of turning Ride It into a brand.Β  There was no budget but there was loads of interest and bags of enthusiasm from me so we started with one solitary T-shirt!

That T-shirt started the Ride It wheel turning and now just over a year later we’re selling incredibly high quality kit whichΒ performs as well as it looks.Β  We’re now confident thatΒ our quality is as good, if not better than, many of the big brands out there which isΒ something that we are proud of.

There haveΒ been enjoyable little milestones along the way like ourΒ first jerseyΒ andΒ our first sale overseas, but one of the most enjoyable has been making a custom Muckmedden jersey for the masses!Β  My first enduro was atΒ Muckmedden’s Fair City Enduro in 2013 and I had no idea that we’d be sponsoring the event a couple of years later and producing for them the raddest tartan jersey ever!
With a growing number of riders wearingΒ Ride ItΒ kit in national race series like the SDA, BDS and British Enduro Series, we’d loveΒ to have some on the world stage eventually,Β that would be a megabuzz!Β  And now that we produce female-specific jerseys we hope to be seeingΒ more Team Ride It girls out there too,Β  another milestone is about to be reached…”